EEA EVM Opcode extension registry

This document is copyright © 2019-2022 Enterprise Ethereum Alliance Incorporated (EEA). It is made available under the terms of the Apache License version 2.0. [[Apache2]]

Status of this document

This is a registry for extensions to the opcodes used in the Ethereum Virtual Machine by Enterprise Ethereum Clients, as described in the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance Client Specification. The information is provided on an "as-is" basis. Please see the legal information for terms of use.

Registering a new opcode

EEA members may propose changes to this document with a Pull Request. Alternatively, they may file an issue in the Github Repository, requesting the update.

Requirements EXEC-020 and EXEC-020 of the EEA Client specification mandate the use of this registry by Enterprise Ethereum Clients, as well as strongly supporting the creation of an EIP, to describe any extensions to the opcode set defined for the Ethereum Virtual Machines.

New Opcodes used in EEA Client EVMs

Opcode Client name Versions or dates Corresponding EIP Other URLs Description
EXAMPLE: NaN EXAMPLE: MyEntEthClient EXAMPLE: All EXAMPLE: None EXAMPLE: An example entry