Our Focus

The EEA Crosschain Interoperability Working Group is dedicated to standardising one of the most important areas in blockchain and distributed ledger technologies (DLT): interoperability.
We define DLT interoperability as the ability to transfer assets from one DLT network to another DLT network, the ability to send and receive messages across DLT networks, and the ability to initiate actions across DLT networks. Our goal is to develop specifications that support the following: public Ethereum Mainnet and EVM-compatible networks (including consortium blockchains, optimistic rollups, zk rollups) and non-EVM blockchain networks.

The current focus of the Working Group is the EEA DLT Interoperability Specification, which is available for public review and comments from April 15th, 2024 to June 14th, 2024.
For more information, see: https://github.com/EntEthAlliance/dlt-interop.


Published EEA Documents

EEA DLT Interoperability Working Group - Presentation

[eea-dltinteropwg-v1.0]EEA DLT Interoperability Working Group - Presentation. Anaïs Ofranc, Marelize Kriel, Peter Munnings & Weijia Zhang. July 2024. EEA CIW. https://entethalliance.github.io/crosschain-interoperability/EEADLTInteroperabilityWG-Presentation-July2026.pdf.

EEA DLT Interoperability Specification: Case Study Implementation

[eea-casestudy-v1.0]EEA Distributed Ledger Technologies Interoperability: Case Study. Anaïs Ofranc, Marelize Kriel & Weijia Zhang. June 2024. EEA CIW. https://entethalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/EEA-DLT-Interop-Case-Study.pdf.

Crosschain Decentralization Guidelines

[eeaciw-crosschaindecentralization-v1.0]EEA CIW - Crosschain Decentralization Guidelines Version 1.0. Edited by Weijia Zhang, Peter Robinson and Aiman Baharna. September 2022. EEA CIW. https://entethalliance.github.io/crosschain-interoperability/crosschaindecentralizationguidelines.html. Latest stage:https://entethalliance.github.io/crosschain-interoperability/crosschaindecentralizationguidelines.html

Crosschain Security Guidelines

[eeaciw-crosschainsecurity-v1.0] EEA CIW - Crosschain Security Guidelines Version 1.0. Edited by Weijia Zhang, Peter Robinson and Aiman Baharna. 24 September 2021. EEA CIW. https://entethalliance.github.io/crosschain-interoperability/crosschainsecurityguidelines.html. Latest stage: https://entethalliance.github.io/crosschain-interoperability/crosschainsecurityguidelines.html .

Crosschain Interoperability Use Case

[eeaciw-crosschainusecasesv1.0] EEA CIW - Crosschain Interoperability Use Case Version 1.0. Edited by Weijia Zhang and Peter Robinson. 04 June 2020. EEA CIW. https://entethalliance.github.io/crosschain-interoperability/CIFT_Use_Case.pdf. Latest stage: https://entethalliance.github.io/crosschain-interoperability/CIFT_Use_Case.pdf .

Documents in Development

DLT Interoperability Specification

[eeaciw-crosschainspec-v1.0] EEA CIW - DLT Interoperability Specification Version 1.0.
Edited by Weijia Zhang, Anaïs Ofranc and Marelize Kriel.

Crosschain Identification Specification

[eeaciw-crosschainidentification-v1.0] EEA CIW - Crosschain Identification Specification Version 1.0. Work in Progress. Edited by Weijia Zhang and Peter Robinson. 14 December 2020. EEA CIW. https://entethalliance.github.io/crosschain-interoperability/crosschainid.html

EIP-3220: Crosschain Identifier Specification

[eeaciw-eip-3220-v1.0] EIP-3220: Crosschain Identifier Specification. Work in Progress. Authored by Weijia Zhang and Peter Robinson. 21 October 2020. EEA CIW. https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-3220 .

Educational Videos

Enabling Real-Time Corporate Treasury for Banks with Blockchain

Enabling Real-Time Corporate Treasury for Banks with Blockchain. Presented by Anaïs Ofranc, Marelize Kriel & Peter Munnings . 21 November 2023. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtE7GlT2yf0 .

Token Economics & Blockchain Security

Tokenization IG x Crosschain Interop WG: Token Economics & Blockchain Security. Presented by Benjamin Bukari and Weijia Zhang. 13 September 2022. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alyjDpDcHj4 .

Crosschain asset transfer for Non-Fungible Tokens

Crosschain asset transfer for Non-Fungible Tokens. Presented by Weijia Zhang. 22 June 2022. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3U4fFHcT7Lc .

Crosschain Applications using Crosschain Protocol Stack & GPACT

Crosschain Applications using Crosschain Protocol Stack & GPACT. Presented by Peter Robinson. 01 June 2022. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zORcdGcB3so .

Transferring Value to and from the Ethereum Mainnet and Other Cross-Chain Interactions

Transferring Value to and from the Ethereum Mainnet and Other Cross-Chain Interactions. Presented by Weijia Zhang and Peter Robinson. 18 October 2021. EEA CIW. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAGO5PsyG0I .

Blockchain / Crosschain / DeFi Bridge Design

Blockchain / Crosschain / DeFi Bridge Design. Presented by Peter Robinson. 13 October 2021. EEA CIW. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zq4cbS3q-lY .

General Purpose Atomic Crosschain Transactions (GPACT)

General Purpose Atomic Crosschain Transactions (GPACT). Presented by Peter Robinson. 03 February 2021. EEA CIW. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixK0_ltjr8k .


The Demands for Cross-chain Transactions Between Ethereum and Other Blockchains Have been Soaring.

The Demands for Cross-chain Transactions Between Ethereum and Other Blockchains Have been Soaring.. Motoki Yoshida, Datachain Inc. 26 May 2022. https://entethalliance.org/the-demands-for-cross-chain-transactions-between-ethereum-and-other-blockchains-have-been-soaring/ .

Unlocking the Next Steps in Crosschain Interoperability

Unlocking the Next Steps in Crosschain Interoperability. EEA Crosschain Interoperability WG. 17 May 2022. https://entethalliance.org/unlocking-the-next-steps-in-crosschain-interoperability/ .

Chain Reaction: The Insanity of L1 Bridges (Cross-Chain Chaos)

Chain Reaction: The Insanity of L1 Bridges (Cross-Chain Chaos). Andreas Freund. 08 February 2022. https://entethalliance.org/chain-reaction-the-insanity-of-l1-bridges-cross-chain-chaos/ .

How to Contribute

For information on how to join the group, see contact below:

Specifications & Guidelines Development

The working group collaborates to develop a set of specifications and guidelines that defines requirements for implementations enabling DLT interoperabiity. You can contribute by joining and getting involved in our bi-weekly calls and by writing, reviewing and providing feedback on draft specifications.

Code and Test Suite:

If you are a developer, you can particpate by contributing to the development of the different interfaces of the Crosschain Protocol Stack. The Crosschain Protocol Stack defines a way for enterprises to create interoperable components for crosschain communications.


Contact Us

Non-EEA Members:

If you are interested in the work of the EEA Crosschain Interoperability WG and would like to contribute, please contact : chaals@entethalliance.org .

EEA Members:

Please contact the EEA Secretariat or your member council representative.