Copyright © 2023 - 2025 Enterprise Ethereum Alliance.
This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. Newer documents may supersede this document.
This document is licensed by the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance, Inc. (EEA) under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 [License]. Unless otherwise explicitly authorised in writing by the EEA, you can only use this document in accordance with those terms.
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, this document is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
This checklist is a companion document for the editors' draft of the EEA EthTrust Security Levels Specification, version-after-2, provided as a convenience. In case of any discrepancy between this document and the Specification Draft, the text in the Specification Draft is the authorative version. The content of this document has been reviewed by the EEA EthTrust Security Levels Working Group, but not the EEA Board. It is inappropriate to cite this Editor's Draft other than as "Work in Progress".
The Working Group expects at time of writing to publish a release version of this checklist alongside the next version of the Specification, in Q1 2025.
Please send any comments to the EEA at, or as issues via the EthTrust-public GitHub repository
.This section is non-normative.
This companion document is the Editors' Draft of a checklist for [EthTrust-sl-v1], the EEA EthTrust Security Levels Specification. It lists the requirements for granting EEA EthTrust Certification to a smart contract written in Solidity as a convenience for security reviewers, developers, or others, who are familiar with the EEA EthTrust Security Levels Specification, and want an aide memoire.
In case of any discrepancy between this checklist, and the relevant version of the EEA EthTrust Security Levels Specification, readers can assume that this document is in error, and the definitive version is the text in the specification.
EEA EthTrust Certification is a claim by a security reviewer that the Tested Code is not vulnerable to a number of known attacks or failures to operate as expected, based on the reviewer's assessment against those specific requirements.
EEA EthTrust Certification
does not and cannot ensure that the Tested Code
is completely secure from any attack.
Definitions of terms are formatted Like this.
Most of the terms are defined in the main specification document. Some definitions are repeated in this document.
References to defined terms are rendered as links
Like This. References to other documents are links to the relevant entry
in the § B. References section, within square brackets, such as: [CWE]. Links to requirements begin with a Security Level: [S], [M]
or [Q], and recommended good practices begin with [GP]. They then include
the requirement or good practice name. They are rendered as links in bold type, for example: Example of a link to [M] Document Special Code Use. Variables, introduced to be described further on in a statement or requirement, are formatted as
var.1.1.2 Typographic Conventions
To grant Tested Code EEA EthTrust Certification, an auditor provides a Valid Conformance Claim, that the Tested Code meets the requirements of the Security Level for which it is certified.
A Valid Conformance Claim MUST include:
The following items MUST be part of a Valid Conformance Claim. A Valid Conformance Claim MAY make them available as a link to the relevant documentation, in which case the Conformance Claim MUST also include a [SHA3-256] hash of all documents linked for this purpose:
A Valid Conformance Claim for Security Level [Q] MUST include:
directives present in the Tested Code.A Valid Conformance Claim SHOULD include:
A Valid Conformance Claim MAY include:
Requirement | Status | Comment |
[S] Encode Hashes with
chainid Tested code MUST create hashes for transactions that incorporate chainid values
following the recommendation described in [EIP-155] |
[S] No
CREATE2 Tested code MUST NOT contain a CREATE2 instruction.
unless it meets the Set of Overriding Requirements |
[S] No |
[S] No Exact Balance Check |
[S] No Hashing Consecutive Variable Length Arguments |
[S] No
selfdestruct() Tested code MUST NOT contain the selfdestruct() instruction
or its now-deprecated alias suicide()
unless it meets the Set of Overriding Requirements |
[S] No
assembly {} Tested Code MUST NOT contain the assembly {} instruction
unless it meets the Set of Overriding Requirements
[S] No Unicode Direction Control Characters |
[S] Check External Calls Return |
[S] Use Check-Effects-Interaction
Tested code that makes external calls MUST use the Checks-Effects-Interactions pattern to protect against Re-entrancy Attacks unless it meets the Set of Overriding Requirements or it meets the Set of Overriding Requirements |
[S] No or it meets the Set of Overriding Requirements: |
[S] Compiler Bug SOL-2023-3 |
[S] Compiler Bug SOL-2022-6 |
[S] Compiler Bug SOL-2022-5 with
.push() Tested code that
MUST NOT use a Solidity compiler version older than 0.8.15. |
[S] Compiler Bug SOL-2022-3
Tested code that
MUST NOT use a Solidity compiler version between 0.6.9 and 0.8.12 (inclusive). |
[S] Compiler Bug SOL-2022-2
Tested code with a nested array that
MUST NOT use a Solidity compiler version between 0.6.9 and 0.8.12 (inclusive). |
[S] Compiler Bug SOL-2022-1
Tested code that
and passes such literals to |
[S] Compiler Bug SOL-2021-4 |
[S] Compiler Bug SOL-2021-2 |
[S] Compiler Bug SOL-2021-1
Tested code that has 2 or more occurrences of an instruction keccak(mem,length) where
MUST NOT use the Optimizer with a Solidity compiler version older than 0.8.3. |
[S] Use a Modern Compiler
[S] Use a Modern Compiler
AND Tested code MUST NOT use a Solidity compiler version older than 0.6.0, unless it meets all the following requirements from the EEA EthTrust Security Levels Specification Version 1, as Overriding Requirements:
[S] No Ancient Compilers |
[M] Pass Security Level [S] |
[M] Explicitly Disambiguate Evaluation Order |
[M] Verify Exact Balance Checks |
[M] No Unnecessary Unicode Controls |
[M] No Homoglyph-style Attack |
[M] Protect External Calls
For Tested code that makes external calls:
unless it meets the Set of Overriding Requirements
This is an Overriding Requirement for [S] Use Check-Effects-Interaction. |
[M] Avoid Read-only Re-entrancy Attacks |
[M] Handle External Call Returns |
[M] Document Special Code Use
Tested Code MUST document the need for each instance of:
block.number or block.timestamp , orand MUST describe how the Tested Code protects against misuse or errors in these cases, and the documentation MUST be available to anyone who can call the Tested Code. This is part of several Sets of Overriding Requirements, one for each of |
[M] Ensure Proper Rounding of Computations Affecting Value
Tested code MUST identify and protect against exploiting rounding errors:
[M] Protect Self-destruction
Tested code that contains the selfdestruct() or suicide()
instructions MUST
unless it meets the Overriding Requirement[Q] Enforce Least Privilege This is an Overriding Requirement for
[S] No |
[M] Avoid Common
assembly {} Attack VectorsTested Code MUST NOT use the assembly {} instruction to change a variable
unless the code cannot:
This is part of a Set of Overriding Requirements for
[S] No |
[M] Protect
For Tested Code that uses the CREATE2 instruction,
any contract to be deployed using CREATE2
unless it meets the Set of Overriding Requirements
This is part of a Set of Overriding Requirements for
[S] No |
[M] Safe Overflow/Underflow
Tested code MUST NOT contain calculations that can overflow or underflow unless
[M] Sources of Randomness |
[M] Don't Misuse Block Data |
[M] Proper Signature Verification |
[M] No Improper Usage of Signatures for Replay Attack Protection
Tested Code using signatures to prevent replay attacks MUST ensure that signatures cannot be reused:
unless it meets the Overriding Requirement [Q] Intended Replay. Additionally, Tested Code MUST verify that multiple signatures cannot be created for the same message, as is the case with Malleable Signatures. |
[M] Solidity Compiler Bug 2023-1 |
[M] Compiler Bug SOL-2022-7 |
[M] Compiler Bug SOL-2022-5 in
MUST NOT use a Solidity compiler version older than 0.8.15.
[M] Compiler Bug SOL-2022-4
MUST NOT use the yulOptimizer with Solidity compiler versions 0.8.13 or 0.8.14.
[M] Compiler Bug SOL-2021-3 |
[M] Compiler Bug Check Constructor Payment
Tested code that allows payment to a constructor function that is
MUST NOT use a Solidity compiler version between 0.4.5 and 0.6.7 (inclusive).
[M] Use a Modern Compiler
Tested code MUST NOT use a Solidity compiler version older than 0.8.0, unless it meets the requirement [M] Compiler Bug Check Constructor Payment from the EEA EthTrust Security Levels Specification Version 2, as an Overriding Requirement, AND Tested code MUST NOT use a Solidity compiler version older than 0.6.0, unless it meets all the following requirements from the EEA EthTrust Security Levels Specification Version 1, as Overriding Requirements: |
[Q] Pass Security Level [M] |
[Q] Use TimeLock delays for sensitive operations
[Q] Code Linting
Tested code
[Q] Manage Gas Use Increases |
[Q] Protect Gas Usage |
[Q] Protect against Oracle Failure |
[Q] Protect against Ordering Attacks |
[Q] Protect against MEV Attacks |
[Q] Protect against Governance Takeovers |
[Q] Process All Inputs |
[Q] State Changes Trigger Events |
[Q] No Private Data |
[Q] Intended Replay |
[Q] Document Contract Logic |
[Q] Document System Architecture |
[Q] Document Threat Models |
[Q] Annotate Code with NatSpec |
[Q] Implement as Documented |
[Q] Enforce Least Privilege |
[Q] Use Revocable and Transferable Access Control Permissions |
[Q] No Single Admin EOA for Privileged Actions |
[Q] Verify External Calls
Tested Code that contains external calls
This is part of a Set of Overriding Requirements for [S] Use Check-Effects-Interaction, and for [M] Protect External Calls. |
[Q] Verify
tx.origin UsageFor Tested Code that uses tx.origin , each instance
This is an Overriding Requirement for
[S] No |
[Q] Specify Solidity Compiler Versions to Produce Consistent Output
Recommended Practice | Status | Comments |
[GP] Check For and Address New Security Bugs
[GP] Meet As Many Requirements As Possible
[GP] Use Latest Compiler
[GP] Write clear, legible Solidity code
[GP] Follow Accepted ERC Standards
[GP] Define a Software License |
[GP] Disclose New Vulnerabilities Responsibly |
[GP] Use Fuzzing |
[GP] Use Mutation Testing |
[GP] Use Formal Verification |
[GP] Select an appropriate threshold for multisig wallets |
Definitions of the following terms, copied from the EEA EthTrust Security Levels Specification, are given in this document:
The following terms used in this checklist are defined in the EEA EthTrust Security Levels Specification.